Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Consistent Journaling (Blogging)

We are concluding this week a church wide 40 Day adventure. As a church we have been reading a book entitled, “The Purpose Driven Life.” Today’s reading challenged the reader to continue to put into practice what has been learned over the last 6 weeks regarding the five purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and mission.

One of the quotes that grabbed my heart was the quote by Dawson Trotman who said, “Thoughts disentangle themselves when they pass through your fingertips.” One of the challenges during this 40 Day Challenge was to learn the discipline of keeping a spiritual journal.

I have sought to keep my journal through the typed pages on this blog. As you look at the frequency of my posts, you can see that I have struggled with being consistent.

And yet one comment in today’s reading that got my attention was found in Day 39 of The Purpose Driven Life. Warren writes the following: “In the middle of painful experience, the psalmist wrote, “Write down for the coming generation what the LORD has done, so that people not yet born will praise him” (Psalm 102:18; TEV). You owe it to future generations to preserve the testimony of how God helped you fulfill his purposes on earth. It is a witness that will continue to speak long after you’re in heaven.” (Warren; TPDL; page 309).

It had never dawned on me that by journaling I could actually be sharing my faith with future generations, which is a very encouraging thought and added motivation to be a consistent blogger!

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