Saturday, January 12, 2008

Don't Laugh ... Believe!

One of the most encouraging characters in the Bible is a guy named Abraham. Abraham is a great example of genuine faith. Although Abraham did not have a perfect faith, his faith was real.

The LORD had promised Abraham and his wife Sarah a son, but they continued to grow older and yet they still did not have a child. Through the course of time, Abraham had considered naming a household servant as his heir, had fathered a child with another woman (Hagar), and had grown weary of ever having a child with Sarah. And yet, God continued to renew his promise to Abraham that he and Sarah would have a child.

Finally, the LORD appeared to Abraham and challenged his faith one more time. The LORD told him (and us the reader) … “Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son” (Genesis 18:14; NLT). The Bible records that Sarah laughed at the possibility of having a son in her old age, and yet God challenged her lack of faith and later gave her a son named Isaac, which means “he laughs!”

Is there any promise of God in your life or my life that we have considered off limits, because of our lack of faith? Let’s not limit God’s power and His faithfulness. Don’t Laugh … Believe!

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